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The Escape Goat

A hilarious and magical adventure for ages 3+

Come and see the astounding Escape Goat! Is there anything she can’t escape from? Down on the farm we meet a naughty little Goat who doesn’t want to be put in a pen. She loves the outdoors and being free. And whatever the farmer tries, the Goat keeps escaping. A new lock on the pen... The Goat escapes. A taller wall on the pen... The Goat escapes.  Security cameras and lasers... The Goat escapes! With the help of a travelling magician the Escape Goat goes on an amazing adventure finding fame and fortune, helping out other animals along the way.

The Escape Goat is a hilarious original story featuring puppetry, live projection, stage magic & original songs and music with a positive message about looking after the world. Perfect for ages 3+.

Originally planned for Christmas 2020 at Theatre by the Lake in Keswick and a UK tour in 2021, The Escape Goat couldn’t quite escape the global pandemic and the production was put on hold. But we hope to create the show soon…


Song of the Far Isles


Choop Choop in the Tree